Microducts for Macro-comunications


Telecom / Microducts

Microdutos Knet

Taking fiber optics directly to the end user (FTTH) demands less expensive, more efficient networks. One of the key products in making this possible is the microduct.

Microducts have had a great success in Europe, and have been gaining force in the United States, Asia, and Latin America.

With microducts, installations are faster, more efficient, and have less waste due to microtrenching, which consists of a trench as small as 0.40 inches wide.

View microducts projects
Some advantages of using microducts are:
  • Less investment and increase in profit.
  • Inner ducts may rest unutilized until future need, using and investing only in the present requirements.
  • Minimize the distribution and fusion points.
  • Allows vehicle transit during installation.
  • Using Air Blown Fiber reduces installation time and labor costs.
  • Air Blown Fiber costs less than traditional fiber, obtaining better overall results in the project.
Microducts can be installed:
  • Directly underground.
  • In sewage systems, train tracks, highways.
  • Inside existing ducts.
  • Inside buildings and houses.
  • Aerial.

Normativity: European Norm IEC 60794.

KNET Microtrenching

Microduct and optical cable installation for FTTH pilot project in Korea. KNET's Microduct was used in this project.
Este video muestra las ventajas de una microzanja comparada con una zanja tradicional. Todo esto y más sólo a través de Flexpad.
En este video se compara el tradicional sistema de jalado de fibra óptica contra el novedoso sistema de soplado.
Proyecto en Monterrey, NL donde se aprecia el sistema de microzanjado para la instalación de microductos. De esta manera, se lleva el FTTH a más usuarios.

Microducts gallery

  • Microducts Flexpad
  • Microducts Flexpad
  • Microducts Flexpad